Polyhedron – Definition With Examples

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    Welcome, budding mathematicians, to another exciting adventure with Brighterly, your dependable partner in the world of numbers, shapes, and equations! We know that you are always eager to explore, and today we have a fascinating topic lined up for you – the Polyhedron. These special 3D shapes are more common than you might think. They pop up in our daily lives in forms ranging from our favorite board game dice to the iconic pyramids of Egypt.

    At Brighterly, we believe that learning about polyhedrons will not just enhance your understanding of geometry, but it will also help you to appreciate the mathematical beauty in the world around you. Whether it’s the symmetry of a perfectly cut gemstone or the structure of an architectural marvel, polyhedrons play an important role. So let’s embark on this enlightening journey together!

    What is a Polyhedron?

    A polyhedron is a term you’ll often come across in geometry. It represents a three-dimensional shape that’s formed by flat surfaces. Each of these surfaces is known as a face, and each face is a polygon – a shape with straight sides. The point where these faces meet are called vertices, while the edges are the lines where two faces intersect.

    Polyhedrons are abundant in our daily lives. From dice to pyramids, these shapes are everywhere! A fun fact about polyhedrons is that their name comes from the Greek words ‘poly’ (meaning ‘many’) and ‘hedron’ (meaning ‘face’). So, a polyhedron is a 3D shape with many faces!

    Prisms, Pyramids, and Platonic Solids


    A prism is a specific type of polyhedron. It has two faces (called bases) that are identical to each other and parallel. The remaining faces, known as lateral faces, are parallelograms. The term ‘prism’ might sound abstract, but you interact with prisms daily! A box of cereal or a deck of cards are examples of cuboids, a type of prism.


    When you think of pyramids, the Great Pyramids of Egypt might come to mind. These are also examples of polyhedrons! A pyramid has a polygonal base and triangular faces that converge to a single point, known as the apex. When the base is a square, it’s specifically referred to as a square pyramid.

    Platonic Solids

    Platonic solids are a special category of polyhedrons. They are named after the ancient Greek philosopher Plato, who theorized that these shapes were related to the elements of earth, air, fire, water, and the universe. Platonic solids have faces that are all congruent, regular polygons with the same number of faces meeting at each vertex. There are only five platonic solids: the tetrahedron, cube, octahedron, dodecahedron, and icosahedron.

    Types of Polyhedron

    Polyhedrons can be classified in several ways. Here are a few main types:

    Regular Polyhedron

    Regular polyhedrons, also known as Platonic solids, have faces that are identical regular polygons. An example is a cube, which has six identical square faces.

    Irregular Polyhedron

    Unlike regular polyhedrons, irregular polyhedrons have faces that aren’t identical. These polyhedrons don’t have a uniform shape. A lump of clay shaped into a 3D figure could be considered an irregular polyhedron.

    Convex Polyhedron

    In a convex polyhedron, all faces ‘bulge’ outward. If you drew a line between any two points within a convex polyhedron, the line would always stay inside the figure.

    Concave Polyhedron

    The opposite of a convex polyhedron is a concave polyhedron. In this type of shape, one or more faces ‘cave’ inward. A cube with a smaller cube indented into one face is an example of a concave polyhedron.

    Polyhedron Formula

    Every polyhedron follows a specific formula known as Euler’s formula. Euler’s formula states that for any convex polyhedron, the number of faces (F) plus the number of vertices (V) is equal to the number of edges (E) plus two. So, F + V = E + 2. This formula is an essential tool for mathematicians when studying polyhedrons.


    As we wrap up this journey through the world of polyhedrons, we hope you’ve developed a newfound appreciation for these diverse and ubiquitous shapes. At Brighterly, our mission is to make mathematics an engaging and enlightening experience, and we hope that this deep dive into polyhedrons has done just that.

    Remember, math is not just about memorizing numbers and formulas, but also about observing and understanding the structures around us. And with your understanding of polyhedrons, you can now see the world through a more mathematical lens. Don’t forget to keep exploring and learning, because in the world of math, every new concept is an exciting adventure waiting to be discovered!

    Frequently Asked Questions on Dodecagon

    What is a dodecagon?

    A dodecagon is a polygon, a 2D shape with straight sides, that has 12 sides. The term ‘dodecagon’ comes from Greek words – ‘dodeca’ meaning ‘twelve’ and ‘gonia’ meaning ‘angle’.

    Are all dodecagons regular?

    Not all dodecagons are regular. A dodecagon is considered regular if all its sides and angles are equal. If not, it’s termed as an irregular dodecagon.

    What is the interior angle of a regular dodecagon?

    The interior angle of a regular dodecagon is 150 degrees. This can be found using the formula for calculating the interior angle of a polygon: ((n-2)*180)/n, where n is the number of sides.

    How are dodecagons used in real life?

    Dodecagons are commonly seen in architecture and design due to their pleasing symmetry. The U.S. nickel, for instance, is not a circle but a regular dodecagon. They are also frequently used in the design of clocks, mirrors, and table tops.

    Information sources:
    1. Wolfram MathWorld
    2. Britannica
    3. National Curriculum

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