4 out of 5 is what percent?

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    Answer: 4 out of 5 is 80 percent.

    You may express a percentage as a fraction of 100, just like any other number.
    Here are two ways to find the percentage of 4 out of 5.

    First Method: Convert the fraction to a decimal.

    Step 1: Divide 4 by 5 to convert 4/5 to a decimal. There will be a result of 0.8 for you.

    Step 2: Get the decimal number in the form of a percentage. Just increase it by 100% to get the number of 0.8 as a percentage. 80% is the answer.

    Second Approach: Find the Proportions

    Step 1: Turn 4/5 into a number and set it equal to 100. Use a letter, like z, for the unknown numerator to make sure it is in fractional form. It turns into ≘ = z/100.

    Step 2: Solve for z by cross multiplying. You get 4 × 100 = 5 × z. The answer is 400 = 5z.

    Step 3: Divide both sides by 5. It becomes 400/5 = 5z/5. The answer is 80 = z or z = 80, which is basically 80%.

    FAQ on Percentages

    What is 50% as a decimal?

    50% as a decimal is 0.5.

    What is 25% as a decimal?

    25% as a decimal is 0.25.

    What is 100% as a decimal?

    100% as a decimal is 1.

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