What is 0.6 repeating as a Fraction?

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    Answer: 0.6 repeating (or 0.666…) as a fraction is 2/3.

    Converting Repeating Decimals to Fractions

    Repeating decimals are decimals in which one or more digits repeat infinitely. To convert the repeating decimal 0.666… to a fraction, you can use algebraic methods, setting x = 0.666…, then multiplying by 10 to get 10x = 6.666…, subtracting the original equation from this, and solving for x to get x = 2/3. This conversion is crucial in mathematics for simplifying calculations, performing algebraic operations, and understanding the properties of numbers.

    FAQ on Converting Repeating Decimals to Fractions

    What is 0.9 repeating as a fraction?

    0.9 repeating is 1.

    What is 0.3 repeating as a fraction?

    0.3 repeating is 1/3.

    What is 0.12 repeating as a fraction?

    0.12 repeating is 1/8.

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