What is 1.75 as a Fraction?
Updated on December 28, 2023
Answer: 7/4 or 1 3/4
Decimals to Fractions Conversion
Converting 1.75 to a fraction involves recognizing that 0.75 is the decimal equivalent of 3/4. Therefore, 1.75 can be expressed as 1 3/4 or as the improper fraction 7/4. This conversion is crucial in mathematics as it helps in understanding different representations of numbers. Converting decimals to fractions is useful in various practical scenarios, such as financial computations, scientific measurements, and cooking. Mastering this conversion is essential for accurate calculations and comparisons between decimals and fractions in various fields.
FAQ on Fraction and Decimal Conversion
What is 2.5 as a fraction?
5/2 or 2 (1/2)
What is 3.25 as a fraction?
13/4 or 3(1/4)
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