What is 20% of 150?
Updated on December 11, 2023
Answer: 20% of 150 is 30. This is found by multiplying 150 by 0.20 (20%).
Mastering Percentages
To calculate 20% of 150, convert 20% to a decimal (0.20) and multiply it with 150. This calculation is key in developing a child’s understanding of how percentages work in various contexts, such as in finance, statistics, and everyday mathematics. It also lays a foundation for more complex mathematical concepts involving percentages.
FAQ on Mastering Percentages
What is 10% of 250?
10% of 250 is 25.
How much is 40% of 200?
40% of 200 is 80.
What is 50 percent of 350?
50 percent of 350 is 175.