What is 25% of 30?

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    Answer: 25% of 30 is 7.5.

    Calculating Percentages

    To calculate a percentage of a number, convert the percentage to a decimal and then multiply it by the number. For 25% of 30, convert 25% to 0.25 and multiply by 30 to get 7.5. Understanding how to calculate percentages is crucial in various scenarios like finance (calculating interest or discounts), statistics (analyzing data), and everyday life (figuring out tips in restaurants). It’s a foundational skill that helps in making informed decisions and understanding numerical data effectively.

    FAQ on Calculating Percentages

    What is 50% of 100?

    50% of 100 is 50.

    What is 10% of 200?

    10% of 200 is 20.

    What is 75% of 40?

    75% of 40 is 30.

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