What is 3/7 as a decimal?

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    Answer: 3/7 as a decimal is approximately 0.4286.

    Fractions and Decimals

    Fractions and decimals are two ways to represent numbers that are not whole. Converting a fraction like 3/7 to a decimal requires dividing the numerator (3) by the denominator (7), resulting in approximately 0.4286. This understanding is pivotal in various domains like finance, where interest rates might be expressed in fractions or decimals, or in everyday situations like measuring ingredients or dividing resources. It also lays the groundwork for more advanced mathematical concepts like ratios, proportions, and percentages.

    FAQ on Decimals and Fractions

    What is 1/2 as a decimal?

    1/2 as a decimal is 0.5.

    What is 1/4 as a decimal?

    1/4 as a decimal is 0.25.

    What is 2/5 as a decimal?

    2/5 as a decimal is 0.4.

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