What is 30% of 400?

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    Answer: 30% of 400 is 120. This is calculated by multiplying 400 by 0.30 (30%).

    Mastering Percentage Calculations

    To find 30% of 400, convert the percentage to a decimal (30% = 0.30) and multiply it by 400. This process teaches children how to calculate percentages of different quantities, a vital skill in many real-world applications like finance, statistics, and more. It also enhances their understanding of how percentages represent parts of a whole.

    FAQ on Mastering Percentage Calculations

    What is 20% of 500?

    20% of 500 is 100.

    How much is 10% of 300?

    10% of 300 is 30.

    What is 40 percent of 600?

    40 percent of 600 is 240.

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