What is 4/5 as a decimal?

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    Answer: Converting 4/5 to a decimal gives 0.8. This is done by dividing 4 (numerator) by 5 (denominator).

    Fraction to Decimal Mastery

    To convert a fraction like 4/5 into a decimal, simply divide the numerator by the denominator. Here, dividing 4 by 5 gives 0.8. This method is crucial in understanding how fractions and decimals represent the same value in different forms, enhancing a child’s number sense and calculation skills. This conversion is applicable to any fraction, making it a versatile tool in mathematics.

    FAQ on Fraction to Decimal Mastery

    What is 1/2 as a decimal?

    1/2 as a decimal is 0.5.

    How do you express 3/4 as a decimal?

    3/4 in decimal form is 0.75.

    What is 2/3 as a decimal?

    2/3 as a decimal is approximately 0.6667.

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