What is a 10 out of 15?
Updated on July 7, 2023
Answer: 10 out of 15 as a decimal is approximately 0.67, and as a percentage, it’s 67%.
Decimals, Fractions, and Percentages
When you’re dealing with fractions or proportions, such as 10 out of 15, you can express it as a decimal or a percentage. To do so, you simply divide 10 by 15 to get approximately 0.67. To convert this decimal to a percentage, multiply by 100, which gives you 67%.
FAQ on Decimals, Fractions, and Percentages
What is 15 out of 20 as a decimal and percentage?
As a decimal, 15 out of 20 is 0.75, and as a percentage, it’s 75%.
What is 7 out of 10 as a decimal and percentage?
As a decimal, 7 out of 10 is 0.7, and as a percentage, it’s 70%.
What is 5 out of 25 as a decimal and percentage?
As a decimal, 5 out of 25 is 0.2, and as a percentage, it’s 20%.