What is a negative plus a positive?

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    Answer: When you add a negative number to a positive number, the result depends on the absolute values of the numbers. If the positive number is larger, the result is positive. If the negative is larger, the result is negative.

    Understanding Addition of Positive and Negative Numbers

    Adding positive and negative numbers is a basic arithmetic operation. The key is to consider the absolute values of the numbers. If the positive number is larger, subtract the absolute values and keep the positive sign. If the negative is larger, subtract the absolute values and keep the negative sign. This concept is fundamental in mathematics and essential for problem-solving in various scenarios, including finance, physics, and everyday calculations.

    FAQ on Understanding Addition of Positive and Negative Numbers

    What happens when you add a positive and negative number of the same absolute value?

    The result is zero.

    How do you add a positive and negative number?

    Subtract the smaller absolute value from the larger and keep the sign of the larger number.

    Why is it important to understand addition of different signs?

    It is essential for accurately solving real-world mathematical problems.

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