Money Math Practice Test for 3rd Grade – [Medium]

Table of Contents

    Hello young explorers and eager learners of the Brighterly community! Have you ever wondered about the coins jingling in your pocket or the colorful bills that grown-ups use to buy things? Let’s dive into the exciting world of money in 3rd grade, shall we?

    Understanding Money Basics: Coins and Bills

    In every corner of the world, money takes different forms. Here in the U.S., we’re familiar with pennies, nickels, dimes, and quarters. Remember:

    • Pennies: These are copper-colored and worth 1 cent.
    • Nickels: These are slightly larger, silver-colored and worth 5 cents.
    • Dimes: The smallest coins but are worth 10 cents!
    • Quarters: Larger than nickels and dimes, they’re worth 25 cents.

    Apart from coins, we also use paper money like the $1, $5, $10, and $20 bills. Can you imagine, each piece of paper has a different value?

    Why Do We Use Money?

    Long, long ago, before money was invented, people used to barter. That means they would trade things they had for things they wanted. Imagine trading your favorite toy for a bag of apples! Doesn’t sound very convenient, does it? That’s why humans came up with the idea of money. Money acts as a middleman—it’s a way for everyone to understand the value of things without having to swap items directly.

    For instance, if you wanted to buy a book, instead of trading toys or snacks, you can simply hand over some coins or bills that have the same value as the book. It makes buying and selling much easier!

    Saving and Spending: The Two S’s of Money

    Money isn’t just about buying things instantly. Part of understanding money is learning about saving and spending.

    • Saving means keeping some of your money aside for later. Maybe you’re saving up for a big toy, a new game, or even for something much larger in the future. A piggy bank can be a great friend in your saving journey!

    • Spending, on the other hand, is using your money to buy things. It’s fun to spend, but it’s important to think before you buy. Always ask yourself, “Do I really need this?” or “Can I find a better deal somewhere else?”

    Remember, it’s all about balance. Save some, spend some!

    Money Practice Test for 3rd Grade

    Get ready for math lessons with Brighterly! Crafted meticulously by the expert educators at Brighterly, this medium-level test is designed to challenge and enhance your child's understanding of money-related math concepts. 

    1 / 15

    How many quarters make a dollar?

    2 / 15

    If you have 3 dimes and 2 nickels, how much money do you have in cents?

    3 / 15

    Sarah bought a toy for $2.50 and gave the cashier a $5 bill. How much change did she get back?

    4 / 15

    Which set of coins equals 56 cents?

    5 / 15

    Mike has 6 quarters, 4 dimes, and 5 pennies. How much money does he have in total?

    6 / 15

    A candy bar costs 45 cents. If you pay with a dollar, how much change will you get back?

    7 / 15

    If an apple costs 20 cents, how much would 5 apples cost?

    8 / 15

    Which of the following is equal to $1.75?

    9 / 15

    Peter wants to buy a toy that costs $3.25. How many dollar bills does he need at a minimum to pay for it?

    10 / 15

    Which coin is worth the least?

    11 / 15

    If 5 toys cost a total of $15, how much does each toy cost?

    12 / 15

    If you have 4 dimes, 3 nickels, and 8 pennies, what is the total amount?

    13 / 15

    Lucy bought 3 pencils for 15 cents each. How much did she spend in total?

    14 / 15

    A toy car costs $1.30 and a toy doll costs $2.50. How much do both cost together?

    15 / 15

    If a pack of stickers costs 80 cents and you buy 3 packs, how much do you spend?

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    Poor Level
    Weak math proficiency can lead to academic struggles, limited college, and career options, and diminished self-confidence.
    Mediocre Level
    Weak math proficiency can lead to academic struggles, limited college, and career options, and diminished self-confidence.
    Needs Improvement
    Start practicing math regularly to avoid your child`s math scores dropping to C or even D.
    High Potential
    It's important to continue building math proficiency to make sure your child outperforms peers at school.

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