Telling Time Worksheets Grade 3

Table of Contents

    Telling time can be a complex concept even for adults; what to say about 3rd-grade kids.  We, at Brighterly, understand that math can be difficult even for the smartest minds. That’s why we developed clock worksheets for a grade 3,  so your child can practice from the comfort of their home. 

    3rd-grade time worksheets: Examples of Brighterly

    Free time-to-the-minute worksheets from the Brighterly team are designed to ensure that students will understand the work principles of mechanical watches. They will determine about specifics of hour and minute hands, how to read them, and how to round time.


    Telling time 3rd-grade worksheets: Features

    3rd-grade telling time worksheets feature #1: Reading clock hands

    Telling time worksheets aimed at teaching a 3rd-grade student to read clock hands. While there are 60 minutes in an hour and 60 seconds in a minute, there are only 12 sections on the clock. So, telling time worksheets for grade 3 can also act as the best real-life example of a “multiplication by 5” table.

    3rd-grade telling time worksheets feature #2: Estimating time difference

    3rd-grade telling time worksheets from the Brighterly team can also teach your child how to estimate the time difference. They will learn to determine an exact time and tell the closest rounded estimate to it. 

    Other clock worksheets grade 3

    The skill of telling time to the minute is so crucial to any human that it should be brought to the subconscious level, where a person can tell time without any calculation. Use Brighterly’s other worksheets to boost this vital ability even more:

    Printable telling time-to-the-minute worksheets

    Brighterly’s aim is to ensure that our students can practice math wherever they want. That’s why we share telling time worksheets pdf files that you can download and use when you want to.

    Practice with time word problems grade 3

    The practice of telling time worksheets is an entertaining way to improve math practice. You can print those tasks or download them onto the tablet and solve them even while traveling. For instance, the next exercise from 3rd-grade telling time worksheets can teach your child to estimate realistic deadlines for common actions.

    Telling Time Worksheets Grade 3

    Download free telling time worksheets to improve your child’s math skills while playing.

    Telling time worksheets grade 3: Benefits of using 

    3rd-grade time worksheets benefit #1: Improved time estimation

    3rd-grade time worksheets can help your child estimate event duration. This skill will benefit them during their student years and adulthood since they will be able to set realistic deadlines.

    3rd-grade time worksheets benefit #2: Enhanced understanding of multiplication table

    Each section of the mechanical clock represents 5 minutes, which makes 3rd-grade time worksheets perfect for improving multiplication skills. If you see on the telling time 3rd-grade worksheets that minute hand shows on the 4 section, just multiply 4 by 5 to determine that the clock shows 20 minutes.

    Download free printable telling time-to-the-minute worksheets

    We believe that education should be accessible. It’s one of the reasons why we share free telling time worksheets grade 3 pdf files. To unlock offline study experiences from Brighterly tutors, just download and print the documents below. You can use these telling time worksheets for grade 3 later wherever you want to.

    Worksheets topics
    Worksheet #1
    Worksheet #2
    Worksheet #3
    Worksheet #4
    Order of Operations with Exponents

    Want your kid to excel in math?

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