Trapezoid – Definition, Types, Properties, Examples, FAQs

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    Looking to improve your math knowledge? Brighterly is here to help!

    As part of our knowledge base series on shapes, we’re exploring trapezoids shapes today.

    In this article, we’ll share the trapezoid meaning, the properties of trapezoids, different types of trapezoids, solved math problems and trapezoid practice problems.

    What is trapezoid?

    A trapezoid is a type of quadrilateral. The definition of a trapezoid is a 2D closed shape with four sides and one pair of parallel sides, known as the base. The non-parallel sides are known as the legs or laterals. All trapezoid interior angles add up to 360°.

    Trapezoid examples

    Trapezoid: exclusive & inclusive definition

    There are two definitions of a trapezoid, exclusive and inclusive.

    Exclusive definition

    The exclusive definition of a trapezoid says they have no opposite parallel pairs.

    Inclusive definition

    The inclusive definition of a trapezoid says it has at least one pair of opposite parallel sides. By this definition, parallelograms can be classed as trapezoids.

    This article will be using the inclusive definition of trapezoids shapes.

    Types of trapezoid

    There are three different types of trapezoids:

    • Right trapezoid
    • Isosceles trapezoid
    • Scalene trapezoid

    Right trapezoid

    A right trapezoid has one leg perpendicular to both its bases. This creates two right angles, one at each of its bases, so it’s also known as a right-angled trapezoid.

    Right trapezoid

    Isosceles trapezoid

    Isosceles trapezoids shapes have parallel top and bottom lines (bases). The other two lines are equal length, but aren’t parallel. This means the base angles and diagonals of an isosceles trapezoid are equal.

    Isosceles trapezoid

    Scalene trapezoid

    A scalene trapezoid has sides that are different lengths and non-congruent. This means each of its four angles is different. It also has a pair of parallel sides and a pair of non-parallel sides. It’s also known as a non-isosceles trapezoid.

    Scalene trapezoid

    Median of trapezoid

    The median of a trapezoid is equal to half the sum of both its bases and parallel to them.

    Median of trapezoid

    Properties of a trapezoid

    The properties of trapezoids make them different from other types of quadrilaterals. These properties are:

    • The top and bottom line (bases) of trapezoids shapes are parallel. 
    • An isosceles trapezoid has opposite sides of the same length.
    • The median of trapezoids is parallel to both its bases.
    • If both opposite sides are parallel, a trapezoid can also be a parallelogram.
    • A square can also be a trapezoid under the inclusive definition.
    • A rectangle can also be a trapezoid under the inclusive definition.
    • All trapezoid interior angles add up to 360°, and the angles on the same side add up to 180°.

    Trapezoid formula

    There are two trapezoid formulas you can use to calculate the area and perimeter of a trapezoid.

    Area of trapezoid

    This formula calculates the area of a trapezoid:

    Area= ½ (A+B)h

    (A = base1, B = base2, h = height).

    Area of a trapezoid formula

    Perimeter of trapezoid

    To calculate the perimeter of a trapezoid, simply add all of its side lengths together.

    If you don’t know all the side lengths, you can use the Pythagorean theorem to calculate them.

    Perimeter of a trapezoid

    Solved math tasks: examples

    Here, we’ve included some solved trapezoid practice problems so you can improve your learning.

    Solved math task 1

    What is the perimeter of this trapezoid? 

    Trapezoid 8



    Perimeter = a + b + c + d

    Perimeter = 15cm + 35cm + 14cm + 20cm = 84cm

    Solved math task 2

    What is the area of this trapezoid?

    Trapezoid 9



    Area= ½ of (a+b)h

    Area= ½ of (20+32)10    

    Area= ½ of 5210

    Trapezoid: Practice math problems

    Trapezoid – Definition, Types, Properties, Examples, FAQs

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    1 / 4

    Which statement about the Scalene trapezoid is NOT true?


    2 / 4

    Find the height of a trapezoid if b1 = b2 = 4 and the area is measured as 48 cm².

    3 / 4

    Calculate the perimeter of a trapezoid if the lengths of the respective sides are 3 cm, 5 cm, 2 cm, and 4 cm.

    4 / 4

    If the sum of the trapezoid bases is 14 cm. Calculate the area if the height is 5 cm.

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    Trapezoid worksheets

    Brighterly offers a range of math worksheets, including trapezoid problems to solve, to help you put your learning into practice:

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