Ten Kindergarten Preparation Plans You Can’t Afford to Overlook

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    The beginning of the kindergarten stage in a child’s life is a significant change both for kids and their parents. In most cases, kids are anxious about going to school, which is natural. To ease your child’s anxiety because of their first day at school, you can use the kindergarten preparation checklist below.

    Tips you need to know about preparation for kindergarten

    Below are some helpful tips to better prepare you and your kid for the new experience:

    Visit the kindergarten you intend to enroll your kid in

    Taking your kid on tour to their would-be school and classroom helps ease the transition to kindergarten. While at the new school, check out the canteen, playground, gym, etc. Also, visit the instructors who are likely to guide your kid and school administrators.

    If you don’t have time for the visit, you can reach school administrators and tutors via a phone call or other means. This step of preparation for kindergarten is all about understanding how the school operates and whether it is favorable for you and your child. During the school visit, you can let your kid mingle with others; this will help them integrate when they resume.

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    Keep up with what’s going on at school

    The kindergarten experience for a child who has just finished an early education program or kindergarten preparation classes may be less personalized than their childcare experience. Under this circumstance, you’ll have to serve as their advocate.

    Keep up with what is happening in your kid’s school and speak to tutors and school authorities regularly to know your kid’s progress. Establishing a rapport with tutors and school management is an excellent way to help your kid settle into kindergarten.

    Establish bedtime rituals

    To make the adjustment into kindergarten life a bit easier, develop the habit of going to bed at the usual hour about a month before school begins. Gradually help your child adjust their sleeping routine to fit the school schedule instead of staying up late throughout the summer months. Ensure they understand the importance of going to bed on time as it influences their school performance and adaptation.

    Breakfast is an important meal

    Ascertain whether your child’s school makes provisions for breakfast. If not, preparing a nutritious meal for your kids before they head out for school is essential for their health. Make sure to provide additional time to your morning routine to accommodate your child’s desire for a leisurely breakfast.

    Plan ahead of time

    Suppose you run late picking up your child from school; do you have a plan for what to do?  Outline a plan for the day with your kid, including going to school and getting home. Ensure that your emergency pick-up contacts know the new school or after-school program and the pick-up routine.

    Organize a study plan

    Get preparation for kindergarten worksheets and other resources to augment kids’ study after school hours. Such materials boost understanding of certain concepts and make kids more comfortable and confident. Also, create an after-school routine that includes relaxation time with friends and family.

    Creating a study plan for your kid before kindergarten is adequate preparation for the kindergarten assessment. Implementing this plan sets your kid on the path to adapting to kindergarten, academically and socially.

    Reach out to your child’s teacher and establish a relationship

    Once the academic year has begun, you and your child must get acquainted with their new teacher. You may feel sad about the end of the last teacher’s connection with your kid, and the new teacher may adopt a different philosophy from the previous one.

    Irrespective of the new teacher’s ideology, it is essential to get along with them. Good relationship with the new tutor puts your kid on the way to academic success.

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    Encourage your child to join groups

    Making new friends and understanding ways to get along help kindergarteners build social skills. So, show your kid how to behave appropriately and make an effort to set up in-person and online play sessions to hone their social skills.

    You can enroll your kids in groups like boys or girls scouts, the Red Cross, and other organizations to make new friends. Through participation in exciting activities in groups, your kids will build emotional connections.

    Teach your kids to take care of themselves

    As kids advance, they learn independence. The most effective approach to ensure that they are prepared for life without your constant input is to make them practice self-care. This plan involves teaching kids to wash their hands, dress, go to the restroom, and clean their clothes.

    Parents must ensure that their kids follow hygiene practices correctly. Instill in them the habit of properly washing their hands, and avoid the temptation to step in and do it for them. Even younger kids can look after themselves in this manner; they simply need to be taught how.

    Help children fine-tune basic courtesy and communication

    Kindergarten interview preparation involves communicating with kids and teaching them manners. Children familiar with friendly words are more at ease and relate better with friends. The foundational knowledge and communication practices kids acquire in kindergarten will serve throughout their educational journey.

    Kindergarten preparation books

    Your kid may benefit from reading books about school and kindergarten. The following are some authors and books you can get and read together with your kindergartener.

    • M.Rey and H.A. Rey — Curious George Goes to School.
    • J. Danneberg — First Day Jitters.
    • L. Child — I Am Too Small for School.
    • R. Kraus — Leo the Late Bloomer.
    • A. Penn — The Kissing Hand
    • M. CohenWill — I Have a Friend?


    Adjustment to kindergarten could be tricky for both children and their parents. However, it can be an incredible experience with just a bit of planning. Use these tips to prepare yourself and your child for kindergarten and set them on the road to future academic success.

    Want your kid to excel in math?

    Kid’s grade

    • Grade 1
    • Grade 2
    • Grade 3
    • Grade 4
    • Grade 5
    • Grade 6
    • Grade 7
    • Grade 8
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